It’s worth a mention, even though by web standards this site is rotting in its grave. It’s slow and old but it’s a tribute to the biggest, life-altering adventure I think either of us will ever experience. I won’t win any awards for the photography display here, but it reminds you that there was life before digital cameras. That life included “dumbing” down every image on your site so that you wouldn’t find visitors falling asleep while your page rendered.

Anyway, we bought tickets to fly East (and only East) until we found ourselves back home again. Along the way, we collected some indelible memories – some exhilarating, some harrowing. The site tells of our journey and we’ve since inspired some drooling wanna-be-travelers to follow in our footsteps. See the world before you die – it’s an unbelievable place.

THE World Tour of 2002

3.5 months around the world: USA, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Poland, Austria, Kenya, Tanzania, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand01_kenya_29_edit